Macro skills, Reading. part 1


To start with this blog I wanted to mention that in this TESOL seminar class, it was about what is the hardest skill of macro skill to master (Listening, Speaking, reading, writing) it was concluded that reading could be the hardest, because reading involves the analysis of data, and this analysis involves comprehension and making references, in addition, it may produce such effect when students can't understand a text, so we must stay in touch with the feelings that students have in response when reading, because they do not always understand passages at first.

To continue,  prior to the class discussion I believed that reading was just a way of passing the time, or for getting important information in a text, I also thought that reading was an ability gotten since child to show and improve our language skills, however, reading goes beyond to that, there are different aspects that reading involves, for example it is about getting the gist (main idea) of a text, reading is to collect new information, also it is a process of collecting new symbols such as letters and understand their implied meaning and last but no least it is an interaction between reader and the text, so reading involves these and other aspects that we don't consider all the time.

To conclude, I can infer that reading involves to much work and at the same time will give us a lot benefits, furthermore I understood why reading is consider as one of the hardest skills to improve, since we need consider different aspect to make a good reading and becoming a good reader.


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