Language Proficiency.


In first hand, for today's Tesol seminar class I want to go over the meaning of Language proficiency, this is an ability to use language for real-words purposes across a wide range of topics and settings, I didn't know about this, but I had a first impression, also teacher stated that it is a degree of competency in a certain language, and this include understanding, speaking, reading and writing skills, in addition to that, psychologist believed that a minority of people can get a language proficiency within 2 years by studying or moving to the host country.
In second hand, I thought Language proficiency was a type of language used only for specific cases or scenarios, like in business area in which we must use the proper language to communicate about a product or something, however during class discussion, it was mentioned that when a person get language proficiency is able to handle conversation as native speakers for any scenario and that only a minority of people get English proficiency at school however their poor academic performance or scores cannot be attributed to lack of proficiency in English. Furhter, Donaldson point out that young children early thought processes and use of language develop within a flow of meaningful context. 

To conclude, 
I can infer that English proficiency is an ability gotten with the time of practice, used for real word purposes like, academic or business purposes and more, I also consider language proficiency required hard work on people since the time we decide to learn a language, our main purpose is to reach that language proficiency.



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